Virtual Family Fun Fair

ABS Abacus Brain Study Jun 15, 2021

A time to learn new skills in a fun way! Fast pace interactive activities lead by experienced educators. Bring your whole family!

About this event

Come and experience the fun of learning and meeting other families at our virtual school! The virtual fun fair is only 1.5 hour long, jam-packed with fun games and activities for your choosing in our summer programs:

The Arts

Drama, Musical Trivia, Virtual Music Creation, Musical Scavenger Hunt, Pictionary, Geometry Art, Minion Bookmarks, Drawing, Bug Art


Riddle Game, Tongue Twister Challenge, Would You Rather


Video Creation, Creating on Canva


Taboo, Translate the Song, Stop, Charades

Languages (#s 1-9)

Spanish, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Russian


Story Time (French/English)

Abacus (Mental Math)

Additional Resource: Our Proven 3-Step Guide

Our Free Step-by-Step guide will help transform your child into an eager and engaged learner in all areas of their learning!  Simply enter your name and email and you will receive instant access to our guide and the abacus demonstration class video!  Click on the link below to download your free guide.

Download Your Free Guide Now



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